Monday, September 8, 2008

All Is Full of Love

Sarah & Derek got married back in June at a cute little inn in the mountains of Vermont. By the end of the night, the wedding was in the middle of a rain cloud, literally. That didn't stop the party, though. I've known Sarah for years and years and years and the older we get, the closer we get. Derek has become a friend, too - not just the boyfriend/fiance/husband of my friend. Of course, it was only natural that I brought my camera along to their wedding. These are some of my favorite shots from the day - a little love letter for one of my favorite couples.

Sarah and Derek did so much of the work for their wedding themselves. Sarah loves the color orange, so a lot of the decor took on a nice autumn-y feel.

The very romantic first dance. You can tell just by looking at their faces how happy and in love they are. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had a love like that?

Some high school peeps in the background of this photo. Hi guys!

And here we find ourselves in the rain cloud, fighting with umbrellas...

This is one of my all-time favorite father-daughter images - you can see Sarah's dad has one single tear in his eye. So beautiful. Sarah and Derek did something awesome for their parent dances. While Sarah danced with her dad, Derek danced with her mom. When Derek danced with his mom, Sarah danced with his father. It was a really great way to include everyone. Traditional, but different. It was beautiful to see and fun to photograph.

Sarah saved a special dance for Devin.

For those of you interested in seeing more images, you can check out this slideshow! My initial instinct was to use the song "All is Full of Love" by Bjork, since it was the song Sarah & Derek danced to as their first dance. However, not surprising, it wasn't really a slideshow kind of song. So, I went with another of their favorites, "Ocean Stone" by Chris O'Brien. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Dorie said...

Beautiful as always Meg! I have been dying to see your images from the day!